Monday, November 30, 2009

2 weeks left!

Holy crap, this week is hell! 3 tests, 2 projects, 2 assignments, a basketball game and the last race of the season on Sunday! I haven't ridden my cross bike since Kruger's, over a week ago so hopefully I can get out there sometime this week. Good news from Ritchey though, they have a ceramic upgrade for my front wheel so no more seized bearings for me!
Alright, life is good but busy. School is hard but worth it. And I still need an extra few uncommitted weeks in Portland to hang out with people and finish all the dang projects I've started. Either way, it's life, it all works out one way or another and I figure I'm just along for the ride at this point. Let's see where it takes me

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sometimes a ride is just what you need

Ok, so I spent almost the entire day stumbling around the house attempting to recover from yesterday. It got to the point where I couldn't walk in a straight line because I was so sore and my muscles were screaming at me. Of course the last thing I wanted to do was go ride my bike, yet I did anyway.
The first 8 miles or so were, let's just say, incredibly uncomfortable. Then again I'm riding with my Dad so I know that if I turn around I'm not going to hear the end of it. I stuck it out and by the end of the ride I felt awesome. True, my legs haven't forgiven me for running yesterday but rolling into the driveway during a perfect sunset (sorry, didn't get a picture) seemed to help them forget a little.
Anyway, we're celebrating Thanksgiving today because my Mom had to work yesterday so it's off to clean up, make the last of the food and eat way too much of it! Happy (second) Thanksgiving everyone! (by the way, BOO, Black Friday)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

give me a 45 minute cyclocross race over a 5k run any day!

Just to give you a little background, my last run was on May 2nd when I ran a timed mile just for kicks before starting , the run before that was a 5k fun run in Eugene on January 3rd. So, when I got a call from Bowe (a high school friend I ran cross country with) last night just as I rolled into town asking me if I wanted to do the 5k Turkey Trot this morning I will admit I was a little hesitant. After some thought I decided, "why not, what's the worst that can happen?" My cyclocross season is probably over (more on that later, I'm still working that out) so what do I have to lose? I was planning on doing some running in the off season to work on my cardio and endurance levels so I figured a fun run was a good way to start that.
Me being a cyclist much more so than a runner decided to use embrocation for this race so I showed up in actual running shorts and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. On the other hand, I was warmer than those pansies in their fancy running tights and thermal layers.
Anyway, the race went alright. I don't know how I did as far as time but I was in the top 12 for sure so considering my running past I feel like I did pretty well. Then again I kind of forgot that running doesn't really hurt during the race, it kicks you in the a** afterwards.
That's where I am right now. Walking isn't going so well and I doubt it's going to get better as the day progresses. So much for a ride today...
I guess it just goes to reinforce that I should be thankful that I have the ability and resources to race bikes.
Alright, enough about my legs, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and enjoy the few days rest. I know the MEs need it, these coming weeks are going to be hell.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Kruger's Crossing CX Race (aka grass + mud + racing = major OUCH)

Alright, so what it comes down to: I rode like s*** yesterday. Yeah, I did get 6th in "B" but it wasn't pretty. Maybe I'm just a pansy but I'm used to a cyclocross course being about a third grass, a little bit of pavement sprinkled in and the rest being mud. Kruger's turned out to be about 90% mud and 10% gravel road (oh yeah, that was covered in mud too!). It was by far the most painful race I've endured yet. Looking back at it I did have fun but at the time all I wanted to do was roll off the course and lay in the mud.
I have to send out a special thank you to Thomas, Caitlin, Cearra, Ashley and Aaron for coming out and cheering for me. Without you guys my race probably would have gone quite differently. It always gives me a boost to come around a corner and hear "if you use your brakes I'm going to kill you!" Thanks again for coming out guys.
Anyway, below is a picture that shows just how nasty I was after the race. I'm not kidding when I say that my bike probably weighted 35 pounds. By the end of the race I was dreading every barrier because the last thing I wanted to do was haul that thing over them.
Oh well, it's over, I'm clean, the bike is a little different story but that'll change tomorrow.
Next race: USPG on 12/6. Between then, a ton of school work, Walla Walla and starting running again for the first time in quite a while!