Monday, August 2, 2010

2 weeks!

I only have 2 more weeks at Acumed, then I’m free!! (for 2 weeks until school starts…). I realized the other night just how fun, full and awesome this summer has been. At the start of the summer I was kind of apprehensive because everything seemed to be going my way and falling into place just the way I’d planned it (it’s never happened to this degree before). That said I’m sitting 2 weeks away from the end of my internship, 3 weeks from my move into school, 4 weeks from the start of school and 5 weeks from my last road race of the season. But most importantly it is only 40 days until THE FIRST CROSS RACE OF THE SEASON!! You have no idea how much this video makes me miss cyclocross. Immediately following the completion of the Eugene Celebration Stage Race I am riding my cross bike until the very moment I have to hop in a car to drive to Eugene.

Looking back on this summer I’m amazed how much (racing) I’ve managed to cram in. I joined an awesome team at the end of May and it’s been non-stop since then. Elkhorn Stage Race, Mt. Tabor Series, High Desert Omnium and Lord-knows how many PIRs; it’s been a great summer. Glancing back through results I realized that I finished top 10 in almost every race I entered. I don’t know if that means anything but I’m marking it as a successful first road season. Oh yeah, and I reached my goal of “Cat 3 by the end of the season” about 2 months early…

I guess the entire purpose of this post is a giant “thank you” to Portland, OBRA, my team, my friends who’ve put up with my insane training/racing schedule and oh yeah, my aunt and uncle who have provided me with an excellent place to stay and some incredible food. So, THANK YOU ALL!
I’m going to cut this one off but I have a bunch of material for another post: getting put on a watchlist, blackberries, and just general Portland awesome-ness but I’ll save that for another time. Until then, get outside and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts! I’m going to be pleading for rain as soon as I finish the last stage in Eugene: CROSS SEASON IS ALMOST HERE!

Sorry, one mention of a friend "Andrea," (I think that's what I called her)--the one who was on the New Orleans trip, who placed SECOND in her age group of her first triathlon.  For being a sprinter/hurdler not bad mixing it up with us endurance types!

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