Saturday, September 4, 2010

Eugene Celebration Prologue

I am so over road racing.  I should have known better than to have raced the dirt crit at Kruger's last weekend.  While it was awesome to get back on the cross bike again it made me totally check out from road racing.  It's been a long season and I've been racing essentially non-stop since mid-February, I'm ready for a change.  With that said, here's a look at today's prologue for Eugene Celebration:

It sucked.  This prologue was a short (5k), yet steep, oh, and it sucked.  This morning I was 3 lbs under my average weight and my legs were feeling awesome.  That feeling didn't quite carry over to the race.

I felt awesome the first half of the race but blew up around mile 1.5.  I caught my 30-second man about a mile into the race but knew I was in bad shape.  the last half of the race was pure, sweet suffering.  I was aiming for a time right around 12 minutes but wound up with ~12:50.  Long story short, the rest of this race is going to be used helping my teammates and training for cross.

Here's a look at the data from the race.  800 feet of climbing in under 3 miles.  Average speed:  slow.

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