Wednesday, December 8, 2010

back on the bike

I just came to the realization that almost all of these posts are written/posted after midnight/1am; looks like this one will be no different.

So after a solid 2-3 weeks off the bike I'm back on it, this time cranking out the boring winter miles.  When I got back on I know I'd want to immediately jump back to the fitness I was in August but alas, it wasn't too be.

For some reason I had the brilliant idea that I would ride Germantown to Skyline to Pumpkin Ridge to Springville as my second ride back.  What, it's only 60 miles and it's base so I'll be going slow.  DUMB!  I forgot to include the 5400+ ft of climbing, fog and oh, it's only my first ride over 30 miles in 2.5 months!  Here's a short rundown of how it went:  saw an awesome sunrise over downtown.  Promptly left the clear valley and climbed into the fog of Skyline.  Remembered "holy s*** there's a lot of up and down out near North Plains."  Hit Pumpkin Ridge.
Legs finally warmed up after 28 miles!!  If you're in the Portland area and have never ridden up Pumpkin Ridge I would highly recommend it.  A gorgeous view, never too steep and some great scenery up there.  Oh, I found a lama and promptly made fun of it on my way past (if you're ridden on a bike or in a car with me you know I get bored/distracted/sidetracked really easily).
Gorgeous descent down Pumpkin Ridge and off into Hillsboro when BONK!  My legs say "f*** you" and promptly turn off.  Balls, I'm 9 miles from home and still have to climb up Springville.  I'm going to skip the boring parts and just say I was beat up Springville by two guys old enough they to be my dad.  Talk about demoralizing.  But hey, it's base miles right?

Looks like I've got a damn long way to go before I come back into the form I had this summer.

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