Friday, October 15, 2010

The Domination of Thursday...well, someone got dominated, it wasn't Thursday

completely unrelated:
yes, that bike is called the Bush Pilot...
it would be pink
So, I went to bed Wednesday evening with the intention of absolutely dominating Thursday.  The following is a report of Thursday.

My deliverables (yeah engineers, how you like that?) for Thursday:  Thermo lab formal report, Thermo lab quiz, Biomaterials quiz, Psych midterm.

Here's how it all went down:

-wake up at 7, feel like death, set the alarm for 7:30
-get up, eat breakfast (hashbrowns, pancakes, bacon--fatty but fuel breakfast!), straight to the computer lab.
-half-ass 'study' for Thermo quiz.  Look up quiz questions from previous years and call it good.
-destroy 2-question quiz
-sit and watch a cooling tower evaporate water for 45 minutes while a computer records all the necessary values
-watch our Kermit the Frog-like professor walk us through the entire calculation process involved with the lab
-get back Thermo memo (96%!!)
-lunch and proceed to stress out about stupid psych test
-try to study and can't absorb any information
-Systems and Measurements class--act like a complete tool; apologizes have already been issued to involved parties.  Probably a result of stress but that's no excuse (I need to work on that whole think-before-speaking thing)
-get a** handed to me by psych test--seriously, it's INTRO to Psychology, I should not be studying 12 hours for this thing and failing it!
-go wallow in self-pity in the bike shop
-say f*** rest week and go ride my bike
-Pier Park, piss off frisbee golfers
-back by the river trail, stumble on a bunch of Army ROTC cult members playing Cowboys and Indians with huge plastic guns; subsequently piss them off too
-enjoy the post ride endorphin wave
-dinner then pretend to study for Biomaterials quiz
-study wrong slides, damn, looks like I'll be failing this one too
-come up with ingenious prank idea (more on that a little later)
-laugh way through Biomaterials quiz (result of prank), probably got a 30% (really, my average is ~60% on those things, I'm a B student, not a D one!)
-yet another Biomaterials lecture gets thrown so far into the stratosphere none of us understand it
-leave our should-stay-in-research professor wondering why the music (see prank below) suddenly turned off
-crank the s*** out of a biology project
-get told I'm a grumpy person by a freshman and subsequently asked if I need to have sex... (yet another reason I dislike people...)

Yeah, that was my day.  Ok, now to expand on the prank in Biomaterials.  I guess it's not really a prank, more just screwing with our professor, but still.  I'm sitting in the classroom about 15 minutes before class starts and another student is in the room listening to music and studying.  Somehow my brain connects that we should hide a computer in the ceiling tiles and play music quietly just to see what happens.  I run this idea by the several other people in the room just to make sure it's not incredibly stupid and they're all on board.  For some reason we thought it out be a great idea to have this last the entire class period (3 hours).  Bad idea.  We get 20 minutes through the quiz and everyone is distracted.  Our professor is convinced the music is coming from a faculty office the floor above and only about half the class knows what's really going on.  Then Elmo's Song comes on.  No one can concentrate for the next 2:28, then the Mass of the Immaculate Conception sung in Gregorian chants by the Benedictine Monks comes on...  At this point our prof has wandered all around the room and tried turning off computer-A/V system with no luck.  As soon as the last person turns in their quiz he takes off to find the offending faculty member.  Within 5 seconds of him leaving the room I'm on top of the front table pulling my laptop out of the ceiling.  I'm all for messing with professors every once in a while but I can't take another 2.5 hours of Sesame Street, Katy Perry, B.o.B. and O.A.R.  Overall, everyone seemed to enjoy the light bit of humor and by the time our prof figured out there wasn't any music he seemed to admit defeat when he came back in and there was no music.  All in all, a successful "prank" and the most surprising bit:  everyone kept their mouths shut!

Ok, now a few random pictures that wind up on my camera every once in a while:
a nice little surprise on the way over to Tabor the other day

an experiment with vodka and Skittles a few weeks ago
didn't yield the greatest results, still needs tweaking

dumbo I got to house-sit.  When he's not waking you
up at 7am he's actually pretty fun

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