Thursday, October 14, 2010

weekend race report.

this is only 1/4 mile into the race...
you couldn't see my skin at the end
(photo credit:  Matt Haughey)
I'm going to make this short because not a whole lot happened.

Raced Heiser Farms CX.  Molly Cameron showed up with her entourage.  First race with a B bike and switched to it  after 3/4 lap and rode it the rest of the race.  Ok, with the exception of power sliding the majority of the course, almost falling down a dropoff and oh yeah, when I finally broke the derailleur and hanger AGAIN.  I was in 4th until that s*** happened.  Ended up running/walking/slogging the last 3/4 mile surprisingly only losing 2 places.  Oh, and I finished in the money at 6th!  Hey, pays for gas money!

After coming home sore bloody and with a broken bike I wasn't too psyched about racing Sunday.  That was further reinforced when I woke up Sunday morning and saw the sky tear in half and an ocean pour down on us.  I wasn't feeling like slogging through another mud pit and potentially breaking even more stuff so I stayed home and did homework for 13 hours...

One note:  a special thanks to Jim for driving, cheering, holding bikes and being "that spectator" with his new airhorn.  Thanks Jim!

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