Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the Christmas Vibrator

Yeah, I said it.
Ok, so my grandma is in town the entire time I'm back in Walla Walla. Given the combination of her being from the mid-west, using hearing aids and 87 there's bound to be a few misunderstandings.

There's a ton of these stories that I could tell but I'll only burden you with the best one for now. My mom was out shopping and decided it would be a good idea to get my grandma (my dad's mom) one of those vibrating/back massaging pads you put in a chair. (you know what I'm talking about right?). Anyway, she really liked it and everything but she was talking to my dad's sister today and said "Gary and Helen got me a vibrator for Christmas..." All this time I'm sitting right across the table from her and my dad is sitting to my left. It was all I could do to keep from laughing right there. Anyway, whenever my dad or I sit down in the chair where that pad/massager/vibrator is we try and make it sound as...well, you know...as possible. Oh, the joys of old people...

There's a few more stories to tell like the "getting to first base" and "shorts" story but I'll save those for another time...maybe

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