Friday, December 4, 2009

end of season, ceramic and the Last Stand

This past school week absolutely sucked. 3 tests, 2 projects and a few engineering assignments thrown in there really took it out of all of us. Let's just say I'm happy it's the weekend, well kind of. There's only one more week of actual classes left, then finals week and I still haven't accomplished everything I wanted to this semester. Isn't that how it always goes though? Oh well, I have accomplished a lot in the classroom and on the bike so I can't really complain about too much, it just sucks it's almost over. To be exact, 3 semesters and it's over.

One bright spot of this week was getting my front race wheel back up and running. One of the bearings had seized up after the race at Kruger's so it was sitting unridable for a week and half. Instead of replacing it with the same old steel bearings I had an ingenious idea. Why not replace it with something that will last longer, roll with less resistance AND won't corrode? And thus entered the ceramic bearings. Yeah, I know it's a little ridiculous but it's amazing how smoothly it rolls.

My last (and probably biggest) cyclocross race of the season is coming up on Sunday and I'm nowhere even close to ready for it. Not racing last Sunday really threw me off and I've been trying to get rides in this week when school permits. The course was open for pre-riding today so I headed down there. I have never seen so much carbon in one place! I have to keep reminding myself that this is also a UCI race but it's intimidating as hell when I guy rolls past you on a bike worth $8k and everyone is on deep-dish carbon tubulars FOR A PRE-RIDE! Oh well, I'm racing the OBRA B category and I'll probably get my "shit rocked" as Stephen would say but we'll see.

Finally, Operation Save Face is in the final stages. Failure or abandonment appears imminent. I'd like to say it's possible for me to walk away from it but abandonment doesn't sit well with me so I'll probably beat it into a bloody pulp until it results in failure. Again, I'm going to say "one more try" but I think I said that last time (yeah, attempt 7 didn't yield a concrete result). It may be time for the last stand which will be very telling. Hey, no one ever said life was easy, right?

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