Tuesday, January 5, 2010

best day of break (so far)

Oddly enough my best day of break was my first full day back in Portland... imagine that.

Now I'm not trying to say that Walla Walla is terrible or that I dislike my family in any way but the combination of people, crappy riding conditions and the additional stress of having someone else in the house all added up. I feel comfortable in this city (Portland) and as one friend of mine put it, "he got there and f***ing blossomed." End of story.

There was no particular reason why today was special but more a combination of small things, well just one big thing really. I got to spend the entire day riding and working on my bikes. I went out and got in an awesome set of intervals, the weather was good, I pulled off the cyclocross tubulars and started preparing the road tires to get glued AND I got to commute in true Portland style: surrounded by a bunch of other cyclists all enduring the pissing rain together.

Also, I picked up my new road pedals and rollers today (yet another 'win' for today)! I have a kick ass pair of shoes on the way so I'll throw up a picture when they come in. Until then, I'm in Portland, I'm happy and I'm riding my bike. Life is good.

I don't have a picture that would accurately represent today so how about I show you the new jerseys we're working on getting printed:

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