Monday, April 19, 2010

Long, draining weekend

Now that the weekend is winding down/over I realize just how busy it's been.  Between the three huge projects due next week, the Ronde De Portlandia and the trying to stay caught up on homework I managed to stay busy. The pie chart depicts my time allocation this weekend (Friday through Sunday).  As you can see, not a whole lot of down time.  Granted, I did a lot and accomplished even more but this weekend was incredibly draining for me on a physical, mental and even emotional level.  Physically, obviously because of the Ronde which I'm sure I'll be recovering from for the next few days; mentally because of the insane amounts of homework and projects I managed to accomplish.  I'm not kidding when I say that I worked from noon until midnight today on engineering projects (like assignment projects, not fun ones) and class work.  

In all honesty, it seems like the only things that are constant in my life at this point is school and bikes.  I don't mean that to be cynical but people have this awesome way of letting you down when you need them and despite being at Oregon's Catholic University I still feel "distanced".  Oh well, life has its ups and downs and there's only so much you can do to control it, right?  

On a somewhat related note, have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could go back and do your life all over again?  I'm not talking about going back and fixing 'mistakes' you may have made but more just seeing what kind of a person you would turn out as if you were raised/lived under a different set of circumstances.  I realize this is getting kind of heavy but that was just one of those things that came to me on the bike, you know how it is.  

All in all, this weekend wasn't bad but I wouldn't call it good either.  I got a lot accomplished both on the bike and for school but my mental/emotional state is on the edge right now.  I guess it's time for me to peace out and go for another long ride... 
Good night all and hope all your endeavors are going well.  Just keep me in your thoughts the next few weeks, there's a lot of potential for s*** to go down.

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