Friday, April 23, 2010

Nothing but the bike, Perpetuem, Clif Shots, road kill and hills, lots of hills

My ride on Thursday was incredible.  First of all, my Heat Transfer class was cancelled so other groups could present their projects.  My group presented earlier in the week leaving my a gigantic block of free time.  Of course, when faced with this situation and the choice between studying or riding my bike which one d you think I'm going to chose?!  The bike won again.  I'll keep this one short and just say that the ride was awesome.  It was cold but incredible.  I attacked up every single hill and pushed my legs hard the entire way.  Clif shots saved me on this ride.  I felt myself fading at the top of one of my last climbs, popped a few and was right back up to speed.  It's amazing how big of a difference such a little bit of food can make on a workout.

For some reason, there was a ton of road kill on the road today.  Usually you'll see one, MAYBE two dead birds or squirrels but I passed at LEAST 8, maybe even a dozen dead things... squirrels, birds, and even this vole (I'm pretty sure that's what it is).

Here's a pictures of those DAMN lions from Saturday I was mentioning.  My ride took me past the turnaround point on one of the hills .  Granted, that was an awesome ride but I'll save it for another day.

Ok, that' just about it for this post.  Finals start next week then the Junior Year of Hell will be over!!

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