Monday, June 28, 2010

Couldn't have done this one without the team

I have a pretty awesome team.  I've been with them a whole, what, 4 weeks now?  I feel like I've ridden with these guys for year.  Not one of them has any issue with laying it all down on the line to see one of their teammates succeed.  These guys are amazing!

So coming off Elkhorn I felt like I owed the guys somethings.  Going in to the Tabor race I wanted to help one of them out but they weren't going to have any of it.  Shawn, Tony, Devin and Brandon were all in it with me so we knew we could get one of our guys at least on the podium.  Somehow I was chosen to be that guy.  

I have to give the credit to the team on this one.  Brandon and Shawn both pulled me around for a few laps.  Tony stressed the field and kept some good company.  Then Devin came in.  With two laps to go Devin looks over and asks "hey, you want a lead out?"  "eh, sure, if you're willing to give me one."  From then on out it worked like clockwork.  Devin kept me a few wheels off the front and kept the pace just high enough that I was able to rest but no one was willing to pass.  Somehow one the last downhill Devin ended up about 15 yards off the front while I sat second wheel in the pack.  Right before the base of the climb I decided to gamble.  I yelled "Devin, go!  GO!" and that kid took off.  I hopped off the front wheel.  Caught Devin's wheel for a short break then blasted up the hill.  Steve Case was right there on my tail and we were leaning on each other going into the final turn but I was able to hold him off for the end.

Yes, I did win the race but I want to reinforce that I couldn't have done it without the team.  Especially Devin.  Thank you guys!

One last thing:  Cat 3

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