Saturday, June 19, 2010

Elkhorn Stage Race--Stage 2--Individual Time Trial

Alright, for having never done something like that I don't think I did too poorly.  A HUGE thanks to Drew Willis for letting me borrow his clip-on aero bars.  They made a world of difference, THANK YOU DREW!  Sorry, no pictures yet but I'll post some of them later when I pull them off teammates cameras.  

Anyway, the TT was, well, painful, I kind of think that's what they're supposed to be.  I went into this race hoping to not lose too much time on the leader and hopefully pass my 30-second man--"Little Bend Boy".  Well, turns out Little Bend Boy showed up with a full TT setup-probably about $7k of equipment sitting on him.  Damn, the plan of catching him just went out the window.  Anyway, it's a TT, you go as hard as you can and hope you don't get caught by anyone.  That didn't work out either, the leader (who started 1:30 behind me) below past both Little Bend Boy and me about 3 miles from the finish.  Looks like I lost a ton of time to him.  Oh well, looks like I'm going to have to beat the hell out of him on the climbs tomorrow.  We'll see how that works out.  

Ok, I'm going to stop trying to describe the TT and just show you the data.  I the red line is heart rate.  Courtesy of a double shot of caffeine I held on just fine.

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