Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday: EZ Orchards

photo:  Matt H

Saturday didn't go too poorly.  M and I headed down to volunteer so we spent 3 hours what we'd normally do at a cross race:  walking around, picking up cones, heckling people and trying to get people to crash on slick corners.  Oh, and we got to race for free, can't complain about that.

This course was, well, boring.  Here's about the rundown:  200m straight stretch, 90 degree turn, 400m straight gravel road, turn down row of apple orchard, etc.  Long, straight and flat.  Definitely more of a road course than a cross race.

M took the hole shot and led for about 1/2 a lap.  I attacked on the gravel stretch and blew up the race from there.  I wound up second on the day.  M took third.  Ok, I'll give you the rest of the information.  There were 4 starters in the A race and one of them dropped out.  Either way, it was a free "race" and we were able to support a new venue.


  1. Sorry you thought it was boring. Most of the racers I spoke to were pleased that it wasn't so technical for a change. I guess when your in your youth less techincal equals boring. I was happy to host this event and will probably do so next year also. Mark, E.Z. Orchards

  2. Mark, first of all, thanks for hosting! I guess "boring" isn't the right word, just 'different'. I prefer a course with lots of elevation and forced runups and I realize an orchard doesn't really offer that. It's just a different course, that's all.
    Next year: hay bale run up!!
