Sunday, July 11, 2010

High Desert Omnium Road Race (and entire weekend) report

Ok, the road race was yet another road race.  We rode.  Some Bend d-bags attacked, chased their teammates down and then weren't willing to pull anywhere.  The group stayed together for the most part courtesy of lots of disorganization in part of the local racers.  Teammate Pat G went out and did some good work in a break but again, no one was working together so that came back together.  Not really a whole lot memorable about the race.  Someone was screaming because we "attacked" through the feed zone (instead of slowing to 10 mph several of us simply moved to the outside of the lane and coasted by).  Other than that, fairly uneventful.  Leading into the final 5 miles teammates Alex C and Pat G tried to get a leadout going for me but we were all pretty spent so that fell apart with about 1K to go.  Still, ended up sitting on just the right wheel and was able to dig deep to pull out a 3rd in the field sprint, good for 4th overall.  Top 5!  Heck yes, I get cash.  Overall, good race but legs never really seemed to click until about 5 miles to go.

Avg speed:  24.28 mph
Avg HR:  152 (hey, finally a little lower)
Max HR:  193
Ride Quality:  good place-wise but legs didn't really feel it

This is a picture of one of the multiple team cars before the crit.  (notice the background...)
While the road race was fairly uneventful, the team house in Sunriver was AWESOME!  Much thanks to club prez Jim for organizing that one.  Won't post exact numbers but we shoved a good number of teammates all into one house (and tepee where several of us ended up sleeping-see above).  Overall, this was a great way to spend time with the team and got to meet awesome rider/teammate/person Eli R.

(above) from REI: who would really use this?

Ok, I'm really tired so I'm going to sign off this one early.  A great weekend but not my favorite type of racing.  One of these days I want one of my teammates to do an awesome ride so I can work for them.  I feel it's about time to pay it back.

Thanks again for the awesome weekend Team O!

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