Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sometimes you have to race smarter rather than harder

Last night was the first time I actually thought about where I needed to be before going in to the final sprint. I know this seems like old-hat for most people but last night I realized that the little things all added up, especially at a race like Mt. Tabor. Instead of just climbing up the hill, diving for the corner and hanging on to a wheel I noticed that if I took the outside line and downshifted before I was at the top of the hill I could easily make up 6 places. Similarly, by taking the outside line (and running over a snake on one lap) I maintained position better and it was safer because I didn’t have the typical inside cornering slow down. Like I said, all these little things added up.

Oh, one other thing. It was over 90 degrees when we started our race. This was the first day it had actually been “hot” in Portland so I wasn’t completely acclimated to the heat yet. Typically, I don’t drink any water but after one lap my tongue was tuck to the roof of my mouth so I reconsidered.

Overall, nothing new or unusual to report. A break ended up getting away on the last prime and I didn’t even know they were there but I suspected it because skinny little Veloshop kid wasn’t around. As for the finish, I don’t think I could have planned it better myself. Descending on the last lap I was sitting halfway back in the field but took the outside line and was able to coast all the way to the front, starting the climb about 5th wheel. Learning from previous weeks I knew I didn’t have what it took to attack from the base of the climb so I sat in as a couple Gentle Lovers guys pulled me up. One by one people started peeling off, almost like it was a lead-out train just for me. Before the last bend I jumped. Took the inside corner (and pinched off a racer—oops, then again, it’s the leader’s course) and drilled it to the finish. Came in 6th overall but won the field sprint in my second Cat 3 race so I’m counting it as a win in my book.

Up this weekend: High Desert Omnium in Bend.

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