Sunday, July 11, 2010

High Desert Omnium Time Trial

Screw time trials!  Sitting at dinner and looking out at the wind I knew the race would be bad but I had no idea of how bad.  Going into the course I hadn’t seen the elevation profile but I’d heard stories:  enough elevation to make your life hell but not enough to classify it as an “uphill” time trial.  Add a 20 mph crosswind to that and you have a brutal TT course. 

I hit a wall about a mile and a half in.  I’d been able to keep my speed up (over 20 mph) but it quickly dropped and even hit 13 mph at one point.  In my defense, the wind was gusting AND it was a 6%.  Still, no excuses.  I could feel the effort from the crit in my legs and I just wanted to be done, and I was only 3 miles through this 9 miles of hell. Somehow I suffered through the next 1.5 miles to the turnaround house and somehow I was only about 10 seconds behind my 30-second man.  That quickly changed.  He rounded the corner and took the f*** off.  Speeds were easily above 30 mph on the way back and my legs felt decent but not great.  Next time I looked up my 30-second man wasn’t in sight.  When I last saw him he had to have had a minute on me.  Well s***.  Oh well, finished and survived but wasn’t happy about it.  Finished 19th with a time of 23:16.  Not happy about it but just hope I can rest up tonight and do some damage in the road race tomorrow.

Average Speed:  22.8
Avg HR: 181
Max HR: 190
Ride quality: s***

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