Sunday, July 18, 2010

the quest for a new frame

and the search continues...

After going to both Cycle Path (local Scott dealer) and Revolver on Thursday I set out on Saturday determined to find a solution to fix the $20 broken part which would salvage my $2k+ frame.

Between Southwest Bicycles, River City, Athletes Lounge, Bike Gallery AND Veloshop the only thing I came up with was a very small chance at a warranty.  So, at the end of the day, I'm stuck looking for a new frame.  :( --yes, that is one of the only times you will ever see me use any form of stupid 'emoticon'.

I attended the Alpenrose Velodrome Challenge swap meet today in hope of finding the perfect frame at a reasonable price.  No such luck, the only frames there were too large, over-priced CX frames.

Next option: appeal to my fellow OBRAites.  There have been a few Scott Addicts in my size up there in the past so maybe I'll just get lucky.  That said, I've already started the search for a new frame.  While I REALLY don't want to buy a brand new frame there's not a whole lot of other options.  I had a good chunk of change set aside for a new cyclocross bike to be purchased through a team deal but it looks like that may have to wait a little while.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue to lust over sub-900 gram frames and hope something magically works out... yeah right.

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