Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wage-Grade Labor Sucks

In all honesty, I would be an exponentially better employee if I was on salary rather than being paid by the hour. At this moment I am sitting at work doing absolutely jack-s***. The cause of this complete lack of anything to do is my productivity. I’m sitting here staring at 3 completed projects and 2 others just waiting on people to make me parts. I don’t know if it’s because I’m more productive than everyone else or if everyone else around me is lazy. Now I have to admit, I when I work I don’t jump straight into a project and bury my head in it until it’s finished. Half the time I feel like I’m on a walk or reading cycling-related articles. That said, when I am sitting down and working on a project I’m productive. Now look where that’s gotten me: a day and a half before a holiday weekend and absolutely nothing to do. Seriously, what the hell am I still here?

Ok, while I’m bored I can talk about Tabor last night. My first race as a Cat 3 and went into it going for a workout and experience, rather than a result. Didn’t do poorly but not great either. My legs were tired after my PIR performance on Tuesday so I just wanted to see how this group reacted and scope out the best lines to take for when I did decide to make my move. Somehow ended up 12th out of 40-something riders but coasted across the line rather than fight the whole way.

Ok, PIR: not bad. Tough race. Bike Tires Direct opened a break early on and there were some half-ass attempts to catch it before I finally bridged up and blew it apart. Field came back together. Ironclad tried making a break after the 2nd prime. That didn’t stick. Somehow Ironclad got a few people off the front and from then on out I decided I’d help them block. They stuck me in a break a few weeks ago and I figured I owed it to them (plus I wanted to concentrate on the field sprint). Break stayed away, I ended up taking the field sprint by jumping early, catching a wheel, resting then jumping again. Probably not a true “field sprint” but I’m going to call it one. Happy with my performance but legs are still tired.

I realize I've done a terrible job of including pictures in these things.  I'm going to work on that.
Ok, I'm still bored at work but it's probably best I get off this now.
Yours in bikes,

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